Jan 24, 2012

Fossil corals: The Smallest fossil coral...

Yesterday I was lucky finding a very small fossil coral. Measuring just 1(one) cm. is the smallest of my collection :
Can you see it? 
It is right there :

Jan 20, 2012

Jan 11, 2012

Fossil corals: Dinosaurs

The list of dinosaurs and the meaning of their names.
(Special for Rose!)

Albertosaurus - Alberta lizard
Allosaurus -     different lizard
Altispinax -     high spine
Anatosaurus -  duck lizard
Ankylosaurus - fused lizard
Apatosaurus -   untrue lizard
Avimimus -      bird imitator
Barapasaurus -   big-leg lizard
Brachiosaurus -  upper-arm lizard
Brontosaurus - thunder lizard
Camarasaurus - chambered lizard
Camptosaurus - bent lizard
Centrosaurus - sharp-pointed lizard
Ceratosaurus - horned lizard
Cetiosaurus - whale lizard
Chindesaurus - ghost lizard
Coelophysis - hollow form
Compsognathus - pretty jaw
Corythosaurus - helmet lizard
Deinocheirus - terrible hand
Deinonychus - terrible claw
Dilophosaurus - two-crested lizard
Diplodocus - double beam
Dromiceiomimus - emu imitator
Euoplocephalus - well- armored head
Gallimimus - fowl imitator
Hadrosaurus - stout lizard
Herrerasaurus - Herrera lizard
Heterodontosaurus - different- toothed lizard
Hylaeosaurus - forest lizard
Hypselosaurus - high lizard
Hypsilophodon - high- ridged tooth
Iguanodon - iguana tooth
Kentrosaurus - pointed lizard
Lambeosaurus - Lambe' s lizard
Lesothosaurus - Lesotho lizard
Maiasaura -      good-mother lizard
Mamenchisaurus - Mamenchi lizard
Megalosaurus - giant lizard
Metriacanthosaurus - somewhat high- pined lizard
Micropachycephalosaurus- tiny thick-headed lizard
Monoclonius - one horned
Mussaurus - mouse lizard
Ornithomimus - bird imitator
Ouranosaurus- brave lizard
Oviraptor - egg thief
Pachycephalosaurus - thick-headed lizard
Pachyrhinosaurus - thick-nosed lizard
Parasaurolophus - like the lizard with a crest
Pentaceratops - five-horned face
Plateosaurus - flat lizard
Polacanthus - many thorns (the official name : Hylaeosaurus)
Protoceratops - first horned face
Psittacosaurus - Parrot lizard
Riojasaurus - Rioja lizard
Saltasaurus - Salta lizard
Saurornithoides - bird-like lizard
Scelidosaurus - limb lizard
Scutellosaurus - small-shield lizard
Segnosaurus - slow lizard
Seismosaurus - earth-shaker lizard
Shantungosaurus - Shantung lizard
Spinosaurus - spine lizard
Staurikosaurus - cross lizard
Stegoceras - roof horn
Stegosaurus - roofed lizard
Struthiomimus - ostrich imitator
Styracosaurus - spiked lizard
Tarbosaurus - fearsome lizard
Tenontosaurus - tendon lizard
Therizinosaurus - scythe lizard
Thescelosaurus - wonderful lizard
Torosaurus - bull lizard
Triceratops - three-horned face
Troodon - wounding tooth
Tsintaosaurus - Tsintao lizard
Tyrannosaurus - tyrant lizard
Ultrasaurus - greatest possible lizard
Velociraptor - swift thief