Apr 30, 2011

Apr 29, 2011

Fossil corals: Fossilized gastropod, Conidae, Conus...

Gastropods  inhabit the ocean from the intertidal zone to the deepest ocean trenches. More then 15,000 fossil forms have been described and over 40,000 species exist today.
In my fossils collection I have a few types of Conidae species :

This is the biggest one:  104 mm and weighs 332 grams.

The next, measures 60 mm and weighs 163 grams

And the smallest one 47 mm and weighs 10 grams.

Apr 28, 2011

Fossil corals: Ostreidae for sell

My first found fossils, some fossilized oysters, that I have discovered inland Almeria province, Spain, are now for sale in Ebay .
I´m the fossilcorals11-seller and I hope that you will like these items :