Sep 7, 2011

Fossil Corals: MUPE (2)

If yesterday you have seen what the Ediacara fossils look like, today you are about to meet other organisms that, for millions of years, inhabited the planet.
MUPE (the Museum of Paleontology , Elche ) offers you an amazing experience, the adventure of traveling back in time as far as the most remote limits of the Earth' s origins.
The next displays are the representatives fossils from Paleozoic Era (Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian) : 

Some Trilobites from Cambrian (Paradoxides sp. , Peronopsis interstricta, Solenopleuropsis,...)
from Ordovician :

Flexicalymene sp. , Colcoporyphe sp. , Diacalymene sp.  ,
Asaphus kowalewskii 

From Silurian :
Graptolites  :  Spirograptus spiralis , Monograptus priodon ,

  Arthropod :   Eurypterus podolicus,  

From Devonian :

Brachiopods : Spirifer bouchardi 

Euryspirifer  pellicoi :

Atrypa petasa 

Trilobites : 
Metacanthina sp., Paciphacops , Crotalocephalus 

Fossil corals:

Calceola sandalina

Pachyfavosites sp.

Acervularia ananas :

From Carboniferous 

Annularia stellata 

Pecopteris arborescens , Asterophyllites equisetiformis

Callipteridium gigas, Alethopteris sp.

From Permian 
Mesosaurus sp.

(to be continued)

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